Cobra Stretch Pose Or Bhujangasana 

 Cobra pose or Bhujangasana is a very simple back-bending pose, which anyone can do. It is a prone posture, to be exact. If you have just started training in yoga, then this is the most apt posture for you to practice. It mainly works on the back, stomach, and the spine. Along with these parts, it also positively affects the arms, shoulders, chest, and the pelvic region. In this posture, the upper part of the torso and the neck are lifted. Your body resembles a cobra, in this posture, and hence the name. 

If you are wondering how this posture will benefit you, you will know it here. The asana practice is said to positively affect the Throat chakra, Heart chakra, Solar Plexus chakra, Root chakra, and the Sacral chakra. Thus, this is an extremely effective posture. Whenever you will practice backbends in a yoga session, then this is most often the first posture. This asana enables you to make a gentle bow shape with your spine, to increase your flexibility. It also increases the strength of the lower back. 

How To Do The Cobra Stretch?

You must perform the asana initially, under the tutelage of experts. Here are the steps, which you must follow. 

  1. You have to lie down on your abdomen, with your legs and feet together. The forehead should initially rest on the floor. 

  2. You have to place the palms of your hands on the floor, just beside the chest. 

  3. The elbows will be jutting upwards with the fingers pointing towards the front. 

  4. You have to pull up your shoulder blades backwards, and try to maintain this stance throughout the pose.

  5. Bring the pubic bone towards the floor to stabilize your lower back region, and press your feet actively onto the floor.

  6. In the next step, inhale and start lifting your head and chest from the floor. Don’t place all of your body weight on your hands. Keep the elbows bent and keep the back muscles active. Take your hands off the floor to see what a comfortable height is for you.

  7. Keep your shoulders relaxed.

  8. Start exhaling and lower yourself back on the ground.

  9. Take a few rounds of inhalation, and pull yourself up into the cobra pose, and exhale down on the floor. Then hold for a few full breaths, and come back down. Rest on the floor for a few breaths, or enjoy in the Child’s pose as a gentle counter pose.

How To Get Your Body Ready For The Cobra Stretch Pose or Bhujangasana?

You have to prepare your body slowly through certain subtle exercises, so that you do not face any injury while performing the asana. 

  1. Lower back strength as well as flexibility are both important, if you want to do the asana properly and also get all the associated benefits. You can practice forward bends like Paschimottasana, before you do this posture. It helps in making the lower back and spine more flexible and strong. 

  2. You must develop core strength as well, before you actually get down to do this asana. This will also enable you to hold the posture for a longer time. You can practice the Trikonasana, Virabhadrasana or the Navasana, before attempting this posture. 

It is also important for you to keep in mind certain alignment tips, before you attempt to do this asana. 

Alignment Tips For The Cobra Stretch Pose 

  1. You must ensure to keep the lower part of the stomach, pelvic region, and legs on the floor. 

  2. You ought to squeeze the legs and heels together, for maximum efficacy. 

  3. The shoulders should be drawn away from the ears. 

  4. You can support your body on your fingertips, instead of the entire palm to get some of the greater benefits of the asana. 


  1. This pose acts as a chest and shoulder opening pose. 

  2. It also helps to develop the core area in the abdomen. 

  3. The pose strengthens the back and shoulder muscles. 

  4. It also improves the upper and middle back strength. 

  5. You will enjoy improved blood circulation. 

  6. The pose also helps in removing stress and fatigue. 

  7. It is great for people who suffer from respiratory ailments. 


  1. You cannot do the pose, if you are pregnant. 

  2. If you have any sort of fracture in the ribs or wrist, you cannot do the pose. 

  3. If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you cannot do the pose. 

  4. If you have recently undergone any abdominal surgery, you must not engage yourself in the pose. 

  5. If you suffer from Spondylitis, you must not practice this pose. 

  6. If you have any cardiovascular issues, then also you cannot do the pose. 

  7. If you have menstruation, you can do the pose either. 


There are many different types of modifications that you can practice, if you have any health issues, and cannot practice the normal form of the asana. 

  1. If you have a herniated disc or any sort of problems with your lower back, you can try out the modified version of the asana. You can support your body on the palms, in complete contact with the floor. 

  2. You can also place the elbows at a lower level than what any normal yoga practitioner may do. 

  3. You can rest the entire abdominal area, instead of just the belly button on the floor.


 If you are a beginner, you can start practicing this asana or pose for 30-60 seconds. As you gain more expertise, while doing the asana on a regular basis, you can extend the time to 2-4 minutes

You should always ensure to warm up before you attempt the posture. Starting with the easier variations will help you to increase your strength and flexibility. You should bend the back very gently. If you are recovering from any pain or trauma, always seek proper guidance before attempting the posture. After you have read the above guidelines to do the asana, you can do the asana. This is one of the most common Hatha Yoga asanas that you can practice today. 

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