Trikonasana – Triangle Pose

You can try different variations like:

  1. Baddha Trikonasana – This involves binding both the hands at the back, with one hand going from underneath the groin area. It helps in opening up the upper body. 

  2. Parivrtta Trikonasana – This involves a twist, so it enhances the effectiveness of the asana. You must start in the basic manner, and then twist the body to bring the top hand to the floor, while the other one points up. 

  3. Supta Trikonasana – You can do this while lying down. It is good for people, who cannot stand for a long duration and do this pose. 

Benefits of Trikonasana

  1. Aids and stretches muscles in the back, hips, shoulder and chest muscles.

  2. It stretches the spine.

  3. Strengthen the calves, thighs, and buttocks.

  4. Stimulates spinal nerves.

  5. It helps improve spinal flexibility and proper alignment of shoulders. It also increases your range of motion. 

  6. It helps relieve back pain, gastritis, stomach pain, indigestion acidity, and flatulence.

  7. Helps with neck sprains and strains Reduces stiffness in the shoulders, neck, and knees, strengthens ankles, and strengthens the ligaments of legs and arms.

  8. The asana also stimulates your nervous system, relieves depression of the nervous system, increases the pelvic region’s strength, and stimulates the reproductive organs.

  9. Your balance and stability also increases, as a result of the practice of this asana. Thus, you will suffer less from slips and falls. 

  10. Your shoulder and chest strength improves manifold, as a result of regular practice. 


  1. Avoid this posture if you’re experiencing high or low Blood Pressure. Since blood flow flows the opposite way, it can be uncomfortable for people who suffer from Blood Pressure.

  2. Anyone with neck injury should avoid it. Since the neck is tilted and hangs downwards, further damage to the neck muscles and the nerves around the neck are likely.

  3. You should avoid this posture, if you have any injuries in your back, shoulders, and hips. 

  4. All those of you, who have migraine or diarrhea must also avoid the posture. 


You can start this asana with a hold of 15-20 seconds initially and then gradually increase the timings. If you practice this asana regularly, your health will be rejuvenated. This is a standing Hatha Yoga asana which has immense benefits. However, you need to learn it under trained individuals, to get it right. Always use the right technique to do asanas, if you want to get the complete benefits. Go for Trikonasana or its variations, depending on your strength and stability. Slowly build on your existing levels, and move upwards, without hurrying. 

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